Two Rib-Ticklin' Nitty-Gritty Grammar Guides
Now Available as E-books
Over 100,000 Sold
The ever-vigilant Grammar Patrol, Judith P. Josephson (left) and Edith H. Fine is always on the lookout for grammar goofs and gaffes. Their two popular Nitty-Gritty Grammar books include tips, humor, and more than 85 syndicated cartoons, such as Calvin and Hobbes, B.C., For Better or For Worse, Dennis the Menace, Zits, The Far Side.
Whether you’re new, rusty, or doing test prep, both books offer fun, easy review.
Edith and Judith based these witty grammar guides on their San Diego State University Extension grammar refresher-a zany, one-day blitz through basics and bloopers like these:
“between you and me” (not “I”)
dangling participles
misplaced modifiers
“it’s” and “its”
pronunciation (“nuclear” = “new-clee-ar” not “new-cue-ler”)
Find More Grammar and UsageDecember 24
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Uh-Oh! Pop Quizzes!Be brave! Sharpen your grammar skills.